
Sea Creatures tea party + I-Love-This-Channel/Intervention for the TATE SUMMER INSTITUTE 2010

Narwhal transforms the tea party
mr. Axolotla thee party of weird sea creatures in the future.

3 days ago, Marialaura Ghidini started I-Love-This-Channel, which is her contribution to the "TATE SUMMER INSTITUTE 2010 | Holes and Screens - Thinking through practice: an artists’ investigation into creative thinking processes through moving image|.
Using the language, history and contemporary context of artists’ film and video as a platform for activity and analysis, moving image Hart and Lucas will share the connections and divergence of their own creative thought processes to provoke a broader enquiry into the way in which artists think."
The coming days she will give her reading of many other interesting video artists.

In the mp3s above, Marialaura gives a description of my work "poem to mr compression" and reads my poem out loud, which I have been trying before but it never fe
lt right, so I choose to just put white noise that was the result of a databend file. With her voice, which is kind of alien, it sounds very good. I like that this kind of vocal syntaxing complements a work that is based on digital syntaxing.

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