
02: One Billion Steps aka The longer you sit on a bus, the smaller the world becomes

Download this song by little-scale here

The bus made it over the mountain 
We are high now and away from the desert, with views as far as the light can carry. 

The sides of the roads have changed; they remind me of the Swiss alps - clovers and flowers. However, the bushes would not be out of place in the Finnish archipelago and the cacti still remind me of the San Luis desert, lurking..
Its a cacaphonic vegetation

It makes me nostalgic, emotional, overwhelmed. Happy. 
The world gives so much, its sometimes hard to believe you can give back

But the longer I sit in this bus
the smaller the world is becoming
Darkness is creeping up from behind the mountain tops.

Now there is only one light
it is in middle, almost right above me
its only me and this little light in the darkness___

- a page from my Mexican notebook.
In Mexico I shared a house with two girls. Not used to that, I had to get away. I booked the cheapest bus ticket and left.
The first hours in the bus I spend going back and forth; 5 meters up and 3 meters down. Slipping backwards the bus seemed to have bad breaks and only first gear.
The old lady next to me kept screaking and it took us a lot longer than scheduled. I had counted on arriving in the light but it was an ink black night when I arrived in the little town Xilitla.

1 comment:

Anna Blumenkranz said...

So poetic, your video! Like )