
Etched in DCT: BeyondResolution

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Rosa Menkman. Etched in DCT: BeyondResolution, 2016.

Last week I took part in a four-day-long etching workshop at Plaatsmaken. I learned that sometimes I do like the end product of an etch, [[~Not my personal work, the plates and prints I produced had to many flaws~]] One of the things I made was this small print of "BeyondResolution", encrypted in DCT, which seems like a pretty small outcome for a 4 day work of labor...
I do like the look that this kind of prints can have on the paper when its done thick black dirty grime vs clean white. But I am not good enough to produce this kind of outcome.

I have not worked a lot in crafts processes' like this before - I am a perfectionist and can pixel push for days, but usually I do this within the environment of the computer. To experience the amount of chemicals, plastics and paper I handled and the waste produced in the process was truly remarkable for someone not versed in the craft of print.
On a side note: I was perplexed by the fact that the high quality paper we used to print on, is branded in the corner; every sheet carries an embossing of 
paper brands' logo
Why would anybody, especially an artist, like to work on a pre branded, *white* canvas??

Etsing workshop
iRD plate in which I also planned to etch a Flatland map. 

I also tried to make a custom iRD plate, that was not square, but the figure saw-work is ... a next level kind of suffering which cost me a whole day. And then I kind of gave up and shelved the project.. Woops. Next time..

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